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The subsidiary of Banpu in Indonesia, PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITM), is committed to conducting its business in the most socially and environmentally responsible manner. ITM has implemented sustainable community development programs for the communities surrounding ITM’s mine sites. These programs are the Company’s commitment to maximizing local potentials in terms of economic, educational, socio-cultural, health, environmental and infrastructural development. At the same time, the Company has taken steps in disaster relief efforts by providing emergency response and aid to help alleviate people’s suffering and rebuild the economy.

Disaster Relief

Practicing good corporate citizenship in every country where it operates is Banpu’s top priority and considered a key part in its sustainable development strategies. ITM has provided emergency assistance in the event of natural disasters and engaged in recovery efforts in the affected areas to exhibit the Company’s long-term commitment to humanitarian principles at an organizational level. Below are the latest relief efforts provided by ITM:

2020: Support the Combat with the COVID-19

In 2020, a total of over IDR 3.1 billion was dedicated to the society in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic through the following activities:

  • In DKI Jakarta, ITM distributed a number of aid funds through the Indonesian Coal Companies Association (APBI) and delivered donation to
    those who were affected.
  • In East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan, medical equipment was donated to the Bontang Regional Hospital, the COVID-19
    Referral Hospital, the Regional COVID-19 Task Force, and several community health centers.
  • Clean and Healthy Living Habits (PHBS) facilities including washing facilities were installed in various areas. Also, an awareness on public health was
    raised through counseling and campaigns.
  • Through the Contractor’s CSR Forum, ITM ensured that contractors actively participate in the response to COVID-19 pandemic.

2019: Earthquake in Begkulu and Flood in Samarinda

The assistance provided in the event of the disasters included dispatching mobile medical services and making donations to the affected communities. Additionally, the Company coordinated with the Indonesian government to send the joint ERT (Emergency Response Team) to aid in the evacuation process and provide the victims with emergency medical services.

2018: Earthquake and Tsunami in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Palu (Central Sulawesi) and Banten province

ITM coordinated with the Indonesian government to send the joint ERT (Emergency Response Team) consisting of ERT staff members from its mine sites to aid in the evacuation process and provide the affected individuals with emergency medical services. In addition, the Company donated necessities, including food and temporary housing, to people in the impacted areas and distributed learning kits to the schools.

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