Banpu Heart is the reflection of Banpu’s synergy and
shared values among the employees in 10 countries across the globe.
Banpu drives employee engagement by utilizing a tool of global standards with the aim
to listen to every opinion while accurately measuring the employees’ level of satisfaction.
The results are strategically used to plan and design an optimized working experience
that will help strengthen the overall corporate culture in a sustainable manner.
The assessment includes an annual Kincentric survey, which is widely used among
world-class companies, to reveal the thoughts of Banpu employees on corporate
culture and their level of engagement with the Company with the goals to enhance
the quality of work life and boost their morale on a daily basis.
According to the survey results in 2019, the average level of consistency of
employee behavior and the corporate culture in all countries was Good.
According to the survey results in 2019, the average level of organizational
engagement of the employees in all countries was Good.
With a commitment to motivating employees to participate in various
we have received responses from Banpu employees as follows.
• Employees say they like what the company has to offer. (Say)
• Employees feel that they banpu stay at the right place (Stay)
• Employees strive to succeed in their work by collaborating with each other. (Strive)
The increasingly growing level of employee engagement every year reflects
strong commitment to strengthening Banpu’s corporate culture and building an
optimized working environment. This is to ensure that Banpu employees lead a
happy and balanced life in line with the Company’s determination to truly
people at the heart of every corporate mechanism.