With social support as a priority, Banpu Public Company Limited has conducted a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, covering educational, youth, community and environmental development. Every CSR initiative under Banpu is aimed at promoting various forms of learning as well as creating positive impacts in terms of economy, society and environment in a sustainable manner. The projects and activities that Banpu has implemented are as follows.
Community Development Support

Banpu has continued to engage in community development activities in the areas where it used to operate business, namely Lamphun, Lampang and Phayao provinces. The Company aims to improve the well-being of people in the community in various forms of development, ranging from public infrastructures, utilities, health, education, economy to preservation of local customs and traditions. Banpu also strives to equip and prepare the communities for a sustainable growth in the future so that they become strong, sustainable and self-sufficient.
Public Infrastructure Development
Banpu participates in reconstruction and improvement of public utilities, such as road and public areas, to meet the community’s needs, ensure safety in life and improve well-being of the people.

Healthcare Development
Banpu arranges mobile medical units to provide the community with a free health checkup, dental care service and knowledge on health promotion on an annual basis. It also offers essential supplies to bedridden patients, individuals with disability and the elderly.

Educational Development
Banpu provides students in the community with scholarships, as well as contributes to local school activities on a regular basis.

Social, Religious and Cultural Development
Banpu supports year-round cultural and religious activities in order to preserve traditional heritage and establish good relations with the community, such as Buddhist lent candle festival, robe offering ceremony and water-pouring ceremony during Songkran Festival.

Economic Development
Banpu supports career development for people through vocational trainings from which the skills learned gave proved useful in multiples fields. The activities are also held with an aim to raise awareness of self-sustainability and cost management.
With social support as a priority, Banpu Public Company Limited has conducted a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects, covering educational, youth, community and environmental development. Every CSR initiative under Banpu is aimed at promoting various forms of learning as well as creating positive impacts in terms of economy, society and environment in a sustainable manner. The projects and activities that Banpu has implemented are as follows.
Community Development Support
Banpu has continued to engage in community development activities in the areas where it used to operate business, namely Lamphun, Lampang and Phayao provinces. The Company aims to improve the well-being of people in the community in various forms of development, ranging from public infrastructures, utilities, health, education, economy to preservation of local customs and traditions. Banpu also strives to equip and prepare the communities for a sustainable growth in the future so that they become strong, sustainable and self-sufficient.
Public Infrastructure Development
Banpu participates in reconstruction and improvement of public utilities, such as road and public areas, to meet the community’s needs, ensure safety in life and improve well-being of the people.
Healthcare Development
Banpu arranges mobile medical units to provide the community with a free health checkup, dental care service and knowledge on health promotion on an annual basis. It also offers essential supplies to bedridden patients, individuals with disability and the elderly.
Educational Development
Banpu provides students in the community with scholarships, as well as contributes to local school activities on a regular basis.
Social, Religious and Cultural Development
Banpu supports year-round cultural and religious activities in order to preserve traditional heritage and establish good relations with the community, such as Buddhist lent candle festival, robe offering ceremony and water-pouring ceremony during Songkran Festival.
Economic Development
Banpu supports career development for people through vocational trainings from which the skills learned gave proved useful in multiples fields. The activities are also held with an aim to raise awareness of self-sustainability and cost management.