IPST and BANPU Produce “GLOBE” Animation VCDs and Bi-lingual Storybooks
18 March 2008 – The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) in collaboration with Banpu Public Company Limited presented the environmental science learning materials including GLOBE Animation VCDs and Bi-lingual Storybooks (Thai/English) for primary school students to Khunying Kasama Varavarn Na Ayudhaya, Secretary-General of the Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC), at the Ministry of Education. The GLOBE Animation VCDs and Bi-lingual Storybooks will be distributed to approximately 20,000 needy elementary schools nationwide and the Border Patrol Police schools as a learning aid about natural science and surrounding environment study.
Seven children storybooks of the GLOBE USA, which have been used as the supplementary reading about environmental science among primary school kids throughout the USA, have been translated and edited by IPST experts and made into Bi-lingual Storybook and GLOBE Animation VCD by Banpu Public Company Limited with an aim to educate and create understanding about environment and nature that is closely related to the lives of pre- and primary school students. These animation and reading supplements will enable young children to see the corelation between different things in the surrounding environment, which is a good introduction to their natural earth study in the classroom.
GLOBE Animation VCD is narrated in Thai language with the English subtitle while the Storybooks are written in both Thai and English languages. Production of the series comprising seven stories is divided into two parts. The first part, which is already completed, includes three stories – “The Soil Explorers”, “Shh! The Trees Are Sleeping”, and “It’s A Rainy, Rainy Day”. The second part comprises four stories – “How Hot is Hot, “Animal Lands”, “Seeing It All” and “Clue to Clouds”, which are scheduled for completion in October this year.
Associated Professor Dr. Thatchai Sumitra, President of IPST, said that this environmental science learning aid is developed from a series of seven supplementary reading books about environmental science of the primary American students. The GLOBE USA allowed IPST, its GLOBE coordinator in Thailand, to translate, adapt and localize the content and characters in the stories to make them easy to read and understand in the Thai context. IPST also brings colorful animation technique to make it more lively, fun and interesting for young children to learn about environmental science.
“When talking about science and environmental subjects, most students think it is difficult and there are a lot of things to remember. By making it in an animation and bi-lingual storybooks, the children will find it enjoyable to learn more about this subject. It will also inspire and stimulate them to start thinking like a scientist. That means they will now have the desire to search for an answer to their question.
Additionally, they will get their hands dirty in experimenting and taking initiatives in order to find the answer. More importantly, we believe, the children will be able to remember what they learn better than trying to memorize everything the way they used to do,” said Associated Professor Dr. Thatchai Sumitra.
He added that this environmental science material will also help improve the children’s English language skill from the English vocabularies in the VCD and the storybooks.
Mr. Chanin Vongkusolkit, Chief Executive Officer of Banpu Public Company Limited which is the sponsor of this project explained that this environmental science learning aid will build a strong foundation on environmental science study for Thai children.
“Banpu is very pleased to take a crucial part in Thai children potential development made possible through quality learning aid like this. It is important to educate and encourage children in their early years to understand and love the nature and the environment. These children will soon grow up and become significant human resources in taking good care of and preserving our environment in the future,” he said.
In addition to primary schools under the OBEC and the border patrol police schools, IPST and Banpu have produced another 3,000 VCD of the GLOBE Animation for distribution to the public. Interested persons and parents who are interested in the VCD may call 0 2694 6646 from Monday to Friday, from 09.00-16.00 hrs., to obtain a free VCD.
GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) is a natural and environmental science study project for primary and secondary schools, sponsored by NASA and the US National Science Fund. GLOBE has members and operates in 110 countries worldwide under bi-lateral agreement
between the US government and the member countries, including Thailand. The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) is the coordinator in Thailand.