Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2011 Document Name Download Notification and proxies_Hotel_Map Notification and proxies_Annual Report 2010 Notification and proxies_Invitation Letterto AGM_2011 Notification and proxies_Factual Details_2011 Notification and proxies_Minutes of EGM_1_2010 Notification and proxies_Directors Credentials_2011 Notification and proxies_AOA_2011 Notification and proxies_Meeting Rules_2011 Notification and proxies_Registration Form_2011 Notification and proxies_Annual Report Requisition Form_2011 Notification and proxies_Form A_2011 Notification and proxies_Form B_2011 Notification and proxies_Form C_2011 Notification and proxies_Information of Director_2011 Notification and proxies_Invitation to BLCP Site Visit_2011 Minutes of Meeting_Minutes of AGM 2011 Call Agenda & call nominated director proposed from shareholder_Invitation to propose AGM Agenda 2011 Call Agenda & call nominated director proposed from shareholder_ Criteria for Shareholders to propose the Agenda_2011 Call Agenda & call nominated director proposed from shareholder_Form A_AGM_2011