Lets Join Hands to Prevent Global Warming With “The Power Green Camp 3.” Application period is due to close by end of July.
Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University in cooperation with Banpu Public Company Limited are inviting the 11th grade students majoring in science nationwide to help prevent global warming with “The Power Green Camp 3,” a youth environmental science camp to be held during 13 -19 October 2008 under the theme “Prevent the Global Warming by Our Hands” at Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom province. The application period will be closed by 25 July 2008. For more information, please contact Faculty of Environmental Science and Resource Studies, Mahidol University, Tel. 02 441-5000 ext. 1114 or via e-mail: [email protected]. Application form can be downloaded at http://www.en.mahidol.ac.th/powergreen.
Interested students should have have the 10th grade‘s minimum accumulated GPAX of 2.75. and should write an A4 page essay on the topic “Prevent the Global Warming by Our Hands.” The 70 selected students will have a chance to join various fun-filled environmental science activities including a special lecture by environmental scientists and workshops in Mahidol University’s advanced environmental science lab. Additionally, they will have an opportunity to join a field trip to environmental learning sources and publicly exhibit their own environmental science projects and many more with free of charge.