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Banpu pushes for clean energy technology solutions by supporting “Sustrends 2024”, a seminar on sustainability trends to drive Thailand toward achieving sustainable development goals

Banpu pushes for clean energy technology solutions by supporting “Sustrends 2024”, a seminar on sustainability trends to drive Thailand toward achieving sustainable development goals

Banpu Public Company Limited, a leading international versatile energy provider, has given support to the “Sustrends 2024”, a seminar on sustainability trends organized by ‘The Cloud’ at Benchakitti Forest Park Museum. Banpu has brought the energy technology called Energy Box, an energy storage device that stores solar energy to generate electricity throughout the entire     5-hour event in supporting the concept of low-carbon society and emphasizing Banpu’s Smarter Energy for Sustainability standpoint.

Mrs. Somruedee Chaimongkol, Chief Executive Officer of Banpu Public Company Limited, said “Sustrends 2024 serves as a gathering for people in the sustainability circle. Public, private, government sectors, as well as general public, come together to push forward Thailand’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For Banpu, we have continually operated our business in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. We are delighted to be a part of this event, and most importantly, it is a great chance for us to bring our energy technology, Energy Box – an energy storage device that stores solar energy to power for the entire 5-hour ‘Sustrends 2024’ seminar, including the stage and over 20 event booths. The goal is to reducing carbon emitted from the seminar to reflect the event’s theme of sustainability communication. Last year, we featured this energy technology in our “Love Song from Clean Energy” campaign by generating electricity for all stages of the campaign from song recording in the studio and filming a music video to holding a mini concert right in the heart of Siam Square.”

Energy Box is one of the electricity storage solutions from Banpu’s Energy Technology Group that is in use to support this event. It consists of a lithium-ion battery packed in a container. In comparison, it is like a large, portable power bank that can be installed in different areas. It has a capacity of 1 MWh which means it can generate electricity for a regular household that uses regular electrical appliances – including an air conditioner, a washing machine, a water heater, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave oven, a refrigerator, an electric fan, an iron, a television etc. – in a period of one month. For Sustrends 2024, Banpu has supported electricity consumption by 300 kWh and reduced CO2 emissions around 780 – 900 kgCO2e* throughout the seminar.

2023 marks a halfway of the journey toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Banpu has integrated SDGs into its strategies across the entire business value chain with an aim to support 7 goals to increase positive impacts while also reducing negative impacts from business operations. These include the aspect on waste from production process (SDG 6), greenhouse gas aspect (SDG 7 and SDG 13), occupational health and safety aspect (SDG 8), energy aspect (SDG 12), biodiversity aspect (SDG 15), and community development aspect (SDG 17).

“Banpu continues to operate our business with aim to create a Smarter Energy for Sustainability while also following ESG principles to deliver sustainable value to all stakeholders,”
Mrs. Somruedee added.

More information can be found at or

*Remark: Compared to a diesel generator


About Banpu

Banpu Public Company Limited is a leading international versatile energy provider, operating 3 core groups of businesses – energy resources, energy generation and energy technology – in Thailand, Indonesia, China, Australia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Japan, the United States of America and Vietnam.

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