Banpu Arranges Sex Education Lecture for Students of 6 Granted Schools in 3 Northern Provinces
In late November 2009, Banpu Public Company Limited held a special lecture on sex education for 4,585 secondary students of six granted schools in Lamphun, Lampang and Phayao provinces. The lecture was conducted by Dr. Pansak Sukraroek, a well-known obstretrician and gynaecologist.
This lecture is part of the activities under Banpu Education for Sustainability Project aiming at educating the students about sex so that they can behave properly. Since 2004, Banpu has continuously supported learning materials and capacity development of teachers and students of 6 schools in the North, including Wiangjedee Wittaya School in Lamphun province, Maethawittaya School, Maetha Pattanasuksa School, and Sobprabpittayakom School in Lampang province, as well as Chiengmuan Wittayakhom School and Ban Sra School in Phayao province.