LOOKING AHEAD This report is a fundamental of actions following TCFD recommendation. We have identified cl imate-related governance, risks and opportunities, and targets to manage our GHG emission portfolio. Regarding this report, we have conducted risk assessment of climate-related risks and opportunities that may have a material financial impact on Banpu in short-, medium-, and long-term as indicated in the report. Moreover, we have started to develop an ambitious target toward net zero emission with decarbonization strategy. We will continue to monitor developments and review our approach as necessary, to respond to evolving approaches to climate change and climate-related disclosures. This report contains forward-looking statements based upon current expectations and assumptions regarding anticipated developments and other factors. They are not historical facts, nor guarantee any of future performance since they are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, which change over time. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and various factors could cause actual performance to differ materially from what expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. We aim to evolve its disclosures in the future to provide meaningful information to stakeholders by adapting it to new facts and regulations impacting the changing climate landscape. We welcome and encourage our stakeholders to provide any feedback youmay have on this report by contacting us via [email protected] Climate Change Report 2023 38 Introduction Governance Strategy Risk Management Metrics & Targets Looking Ahead