WAY F O RWA R D 2 0 2 4 - 2 5 BANPU ROAD TO 2030 ENERGY RESOURCES ENERGY GENERATION ENERGY TECHNOLOGY MINING RESPONSIBLE MINING OPERATOR Cont inued product ion opt imi zat ion , decarbonization, and cost reduction initiatives to maximize value and cashflow generation of existing reserves with opportunities in strategic minerals and NBS*. THERMAL POWER UNIQUE BASELOAD POWER PORTFOLIO Striking balance between generating stable cashflow from PPA-based assets and capturing high upside potential of assets in merchant markets. INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO NEW S-CURVE IN ENERGY & BEYOND Investment portfolio optimization, focusing on financial returns from existing and future investments. NET ZERO SOLUTION PROVIDER GAS EXTRACTION INTEGRATED GREEN GAS PRODUCER Sustainability-centric operations, reducing and offsetting of emissions from gas operat i ons through CCUS wi th the commitment to achieve Net Zero across Scope 1 & 2 by 2025. RENEWABLES QUALITY GREEN MEGAWATTS Increased emphasis on the strategic synergies of renewable energy and electricity trading in key growth regions for higher upsides. BATTERY PRODUCTIONANDBESS VERTICALLY-INTEGRATED BATTERY PLAYER Strengthen position as an integrated battery player, expanding across the value chain from production to BESS deployment. Note: *nature-based solutions G R E E N E R , S MA R T E R , FA S T E R , S T R ON G E R Climate Change Report 2023 12 Introduction Governance Strategy Risk Management Metrics & Targets Looking Ahead